A mashup I made from a google map image of Berkeley City College, a picture of the Campanile at UC Berkeley and an inviting meadow leading into a thicket.

Further Education Adventures of an Adult Student Spring 2018

I made a digital postcard to commemorate students in dozens of cities in all 50 states staged demonstrations and observed a moment of silence to honor the 14 students and three adult staff killed a month ago at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.


Listening to the Spring Rain and Wikipedia

1979 archive photograph of Devil's Slide on former California Hwy 1 used as a background for a gif made with text from Nick Montfort’s dynamic poem generator

Devil’s Slide in Verse

President Trump on Iran

Around the World 2017: Digital Media in a Post-Truth Era

No Social Media Hate poster

Another educational experience as a #student


Transform a Propaganda Poster with Digital Alchemy

Shadow Government