I used a 1979 archive photograph of Devil’s Slide on the former California Hwy 1 as a background for a gif made with text from Nick Montfort’s dynamic poem generator to complete today’s Daily Create for Digital Alchemy in the Open Education course Networked Narratives at Kean University in New Jersey.
#dda165 Visualize Taroko Gorge
This Daily DA published February 21st, 2018 is organized under For the Eyes (visual), Incantations
Open Nick Montfort’s dynamic, generative poem….
Let it flow by…
Relax your mind.
Now try to isolate a stanza or two. Try to copy it or save it in a screenshot. Next, connect to a photo (preferably your own). What imagery comes to mind? What gorge do you see?
What comes to mind when you let Taroko Gorge flow by?