Today's Daily Create: Design your own road sign. Travel in peace from Tierra del Fuego to Invercargill.

Peace Highway

Upside down picture of the Andaluz Hotel lobby in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Upside down day!

Hail to our gracious sovereign Drumpf

Hail to our gracious sovereign, Drumpf

Happy Birthday ds106

Live as well as you can under the new Drumpf Reich: Apparently everyone with a good sense of history died last year!

New Year 2017

Shadow Government

Poster for Vin Scully Day

Thanks for the memories, Vinny!

Satelllite image of Newport Beach, California, with arrow pointing to where the famous "Wedge" waves form.

The Wedge

Vintage postcard of the Mission Inn Riverside, California.

California Sociological Association Conference 2016

A picture of a desiccated rat on pavement with the caption "5 tips to stop consuming and start producing attributed to Terrance McKenna

Stop consuming and start producing